Videos of the band Restavrant. SRESTAVRANT (Snakearm) is Troy Murrah on guitar and Tyler Whiteside on drums. Electrocana, roots, punk, country and slide blues would seem to be rough acts to merger but through the mad science of front man Troy Murrah the formula hits the nail...
Official music video for the NEW song ‘HotRod Pose’ off the NEW ep. CAMERA: Kyle Cowling . The music recordings will be put out by the folks over NewHigh Recordings in April. Thanks again @ssippi for hosting us.
Controlled Chaos, Season 3, Episode 2, Featuring RESTAVRANT! Created by KYLE COWLING:
STAY AT HOME ORDERS: The beauty of being in a two-piece band… RESTAVRANT, stays home and stays separated, to stay healthy and make new music. Song "Building Waterbeds" by Restavrant